From sales received with thanks.
sale of gruffalo story sack and wedding dolls with thanks
Sales with thanks xxx
Fundraising with thanks xxx
Sales on with thanks
Today is a sad day, We think of it with fear It is the day you went away Although we feel you near. A million times, we've asked, "Why, God?" A million times, we've cried. A million time...
Sales of Zingy's. Thank you Amy xx
Sale of Dalek with thanks
Sales with thanks
sales of zingy's thank you
For sales received with thanks.
sales with thanks
Sales of patterns from www,
sales of knitted zingy's etc
Pattern sales with thanks
Christian & I will always being with you & your family LOTS OF LOVE Chris & Tach
sales of Zingys and patterns. Thank you
Zingy's & patterns with thanks
Sales of Zingy's & patterns with grateful thanks xx
Just found Hennie on Ravelry & felt I had to make a donation, no matter how small (I, too, am Mum to a child with epilepsy). Hoping every little helps - sorry it couldn't be more...
Sales of patterns Thank you xx
Sale of zingys
Sales of Zingy with thanks
sales of patterns
For sale of Zingy's on
Sales thank you
Purple pounds raised at school Thank you everyone